Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 400

Solutions: Experiential, Social Media & PR



Nickelodeon works tirelessly to keep legacy properties relevant.  One way they achieve this is to deploy experiential marketing platforms that pairs their licensed properties with professional sports leagues. This presents the properties at lifestyle events when fans have a heightened awareness and have a positive view of the property being showcased.

Nickelodeon engaged Victory Management Group to create an experiential platform that included character appearances, social media and public relations support campaign and companion consumer promotions.


Victory Management Group paired NASCAR and Nickelodeon to create the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle 400 race at Chicagoland Speedway.  Using both the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles characters and celebrity race car drivers, fans were treated to a tremendous integrated sports and entertainment experiential event.

Nickelodeon TMNT 400 Poster

Nickelodeon TMNT 400 Video

Nickelodeon TMNT & Danica Patrick

Nickelodean TMNT Booklet Cover